Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Blog Post #1 - assignment

For your first blog post, let's discuss the obvious: how it feels to be a college freshman! Write for 15-20 minutes, and answer the following questions in your blog. However, you don't have to stick to just these questions: let this blog take you wherever you want to go!

Please label your post accordingly (e.g. "Post #1").
This post is due before class on Friday 7/6.

  • How does it feel to be a college freshman?
  • What do you expect to "get" out of UTOP? 
  • What do you expect to learn from ENGL 1101? (You can look through your syllabus for ideas, of course!)
  • What are your strengths in writing? Explain one piece of writing from your past (it doesn't have to be a school assignment) that you are proud of. Also discuss ways you think you can improve your writing.
  • What do you think YOU can do to make UTOP and this course successful experiences for you?
  • What are you most excited about right now? If you had to make a list of "good stuff" in your life, what would be on it?
  • What are you most fearful of right now? If you had to make a list of "stuff that makes you anxious," what would be on it?
  • Do you have any ideas about what you might major in? Explain.
  • What questions do you notice that keep running through your head as you embark on your college journey?
  • What is one thing you can tell us (your classmates - and me, your teacher) that will help us remember you? Why are you unique, and why should we remember you're name? (:

  • Lastly, read your peer group members' 1st blog posts and comment on at least one of them.
-Your Blogger blogs count as a major assignment in this class, which you will include as part of your final portfolio, so take this seriously. However, this is reflective writing, so it is "low stakes," meaning you should relax, focus on generating good content, and your tone can be personable; you won't be graded on grammar and punctuation, and there's no "correct" answer to any of my questions. Just think, and WRITE, and show your thinking and your reflecting in your writing.
-Keep in mind your teacher and (at the very least) your peer group members will be reading your blog. So, you are writing for YOU (to learn about yourself and to explore your thoughts), but you also have an audience.
-Here's a helpful website, especially if you're new to the genre of blogging: http://www.problogger.net/how-to-write-great-blog-content/

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